Institutional Repository of Chernihiv Polytechnic National University


ISSN 2415-363X


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  • Гнедіна, К. В. (Nürnberg : Verlag SWG imex GmbH, 2014)
    The article is devoted to the research of theoretical bases of formation and implementation of strategy of development of municipal transport system of the average cities in the conditions of the accelerated urbanization. ...
  • Холявко, Н. І. (2017)
    The article defines the role of higher education sector in modern processes of information economy formation. The author analyzes current tendencies of financing of higher education institutions in Ukraine, with an emphasis ...
  • Маргасова, В. Г.; Сакун, О. С. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2017)
  • Клименко, Т. В. (USA : B&M Publishing, 2013)
  • Ільчук, В. П.; Штирхун, Х. І. (Чернігів : Чернігівський національний технологічний університет, 2016)
    The article analyzes the main directions of state policy in the sphere of production and circulation of organic products in Ukraine. The size of expenses on establishing the organic enterprise is determined. The system of ...
  • Холявко, Н. І.; Шара, М. А. (Чернігів : НУ «Чернігівська політехніка», 2021)
    Підсумовуючи статтю, можемо відзначити, що FinTech-галузь динамічно розвивається у Китаї, що обумовлено позитивним впливом низки техніко-технологічних, правових, інституційних, фінансово-економічних та частково демографічних ...
  • Гнедіна, К. В.; Вертійко, А. А. (Чернігів: ЧНТУ, 2020)
    The article is devoted to the research of theoretical and methodical foundations of the functioning of the strategic management accounting system and the elaboration of practical recommendations for its formation at a ...
  • Маргасова, В. Г.; Тарчинець, О. (Prague, 2022)
    The financial crisis caused by the war played the role of catalyst of development crisis management for Ukraine, impelling to the awareness – both at the level of public consciousness and domestic politics – necessity of ...
  • Іванова, Л. Б. (2013)
    Актуальность данной проблемы обусловлена проведением реформы налогового законодательства в реальном секторе экономики Украины, гармонизацией налогового законодательства с методологией бухгалтерского учета, ее влиянием на ...
  • Івченко, Н. В.; Хоменко, І. О.; Юсухно, С. І. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2019)
    Global Warming is the process of an increase in the average air temperatures near the surface of the Earth over the past one to two centuries. Scientists’ observations of temperаtures, ocean currents. the atmosphere’s ...
  • Дубина, М. В. (Чернігів: ЧНТУ, 2014)
    Gnosiology of the category “economic trust” was studied in the article. Application of synthesis method to the combination of such definitions as “trust” and “economics” allowed defining the essence of this term. In its ...
  • Yusukhno, Svitlana Ivanivna; Korets, Tetiana Vasylivna (2014)
    The aim of the present paper is to deal with the main issues to the learning terminological collocations in business English. The main emphasis is laid on the importance of collocations for learners of English as a foreign ...
  • Розум, Р. І.; Любезна, І. В.; Кальченко, О. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2017)
    The article considers and structures the issues of efficient use of agricultural land in Ukraine. The influence of ecological and economic factors on the efficiency of land resources use negatively affecting the quality ...
  • Нітченко, К. В.; Литвин, С. В.; Дубина, М. В. (Чернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка", 2021)
    Іnformation support of the credit services market should be considered as a single mechanism with general principles and rules of interaction of information infrastructure entities of the credit services market, it should ...
  • Чийпеш, Н. М.; Дубина, М. В.; Литвин, С. В. (Чернігів : НУ "Чернігівська політехніка", 2021)
    The creation and development of credit innovations is significantly limited without the formation of an appropriate level of financial culture of all economic entities, the system of which should be comprehensive, integrated ...
  • Панченко, О. І.; Кальченко, О. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The article substantiates the necessity of forming a system of insurance protection of export credits with state support. Existing features of the domestic legal and regulatory framework regulating insurance and guarantee ...
  • Петраков, Я. В.; Шульга, С. В. (2015)
    Article is aimed at the integrating reporting initiative and ongoing discussion among the parties concerned as to its conceptual framework. The aim of our research was to generalize opportunities and threats of adoption ...
  • Скорик, Т. В.; Корогод, Т. О.; Ісаєнко, А. А. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2015)
    The multifunctional lisotherapy capabilities are described; the influence of isotherapy on the emotional well-being and mental health of the elderly is defined in the article. Mechanisms of psychological art influence are ...
  • Хоменко, І. О.; Волинець, Л. М (Košice : UK Technical University, 2020)
    Logistics is beneficial to most creative industries, because it supports the market orientation of the enterprise, aims to offer optimal service to customers, contributes to increasing the transparency of the market, as ...
  • Кальченко, О. М. (Чернігів : Чернігівський національний технологічний університет, 2016)
    The article outlines the relevance of insuring financial sustainability of enterprise as being one of the most important functions of financial management of contemporary business units; scientific approaches in defining ...