ISSN 2415-363X

Browsing 2018 by Title

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  • Тогочинський, О. М.; Аніщенко, В. О.; Пузирьов, М. С. (Чернігів: ЧНТУ, 2018)
    Foreign experience studying enabled to identify such forms of public-private partnership in the Penitentiary System as: 1) provision of psycho-logical, medical and educational spheres of activity, as well as maintenance ...
  • Гафурова, О. В.; Єрмоленко, В. М.; Степасюк, Л. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The article examines the legal status of food security in Ukraine. The relations in the sphere of ensuring food self-sufficiency, economic availability, food quality and safety have been analyzed.
  • Мельник, В. І.; Погріщук, Г. Б. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    It has been established that the economic growth in the field of horticulture on an innovative basis is due to quantitative and qualitative changes in the direction of increasing production volumes and is the result of the ...
  • Одінцова, Т. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    This paper presents specific features of the tax burden in the regions of Ukraine. Methodological approach is proposed which provides means to optimize tax burden of the regions, increase economic feasibility level when ...
  • Мазаракі, Н. А. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The formation of the Ukrainian concept of the dispute settlement system must necessarily take into account the national socio-cultural and legal features. The necessity of institutionalization of mediation is proved by the ...
  • Копитова, І. В.; Федоренко, В. В. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    In the article the essence, content, features of the relationship of morality and law are considered in the light of new achievements in management psychology, including in the theory of "controlling choice". Moral-legal ...
  • Худолей, В. Ю. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The article deals with problems and prospects of increasing efficiency of energy use in Ukraine in terms of studying energy efficiency as part of energy trilemma.
  • Хаустова, В. Є.; Салашенко, Т. І.; Лелюк, О. В. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The article studies the features of functioning of energy systems and proposes a system concept of energy security. The authors suggest considering the subsystems of energy supply, energy con-version and energy consumption ...
  • Новікова, І. Е.; Хуіюй, Ч.; Бедюх, О. Р. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The transformation of the scientific and educational sphere of Ukraine has been shown under the conditions of market relations and the development of international cooperation. The main achievements and miscalculations of ...
  • Білошкурська, Н. В.; Білошкурський, М. В.; Омельяненко, В. А. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The production function simulation under J. Tinbergen's for the Ukrainian industry is implemented. The value of the technological progress parameter and the marginal rate of technical substitution for 10 enterprises of ...
  • Мних, О. Б.; Сафонов, Ю. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    Identification of new economic zones of problem marketing and logistics situations for the purpose of implementation of the system approach to management of innovation activity is given. The scheme of interaction of marketing ...
  • Черкасова, С. В. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The significant differences in financial investment strategies implemented by banks and non-banking institutional investors in Ukraine are considered in the article. Banks differ from non-banking institutions in goals, ...
  • Косач, І. А.; Лисенко, Ж. П.; Олексин, А. Г. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The present state of financing of agroindustrial complex and agricultural production as a priority branch is analyzed. The expediency of implementation of public-private partnership in the agroindustrial complex is ...
  • Шкрабак, І. В.; Рязанова, Н. О. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    In the article it is justified that viability of projects of renewable energy sources largely depends on market risks, that are the result of political framework conditions and limited knowledge in terms of new technologies, ...
  • Макогон, В. Д.; Адаменко, І. П. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    Fiscal policy is a powerful instrument of socio-economic processes state regulation. Currently, the main objective of fiscal policy is to stabilize public finances. The basic condition is to support the macroeconomic ...
  • Гнидюк, І. В.; Далєвська, Т. А.; Гатаулліна, Е. І. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    Fiscal policy is a tool for effective regulation of the economy. The formation of fiscal policy requires conformity with cyclical economic development and orientation towards ensuring the development of the real sector of ...
  • Чугунов, І. Я.; Пасічний, М. Д. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    Using the convergence of neoclassical and neo-Keynesian approaches as well as correlation and regression analysis methods, the influence of such factors as the level and the structure of taxation, the budget expenditures, ...
  • Коломицева, О. В.; Васильченко, Л. С.; Пепчук, С. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The article contains the factors that describe priority of organic production development in Ukraine and the reasons that restrain it. The suggestions on effective development of organic production in Ukraine under conditions ...
  • Кочубей, Д. В.; Лиса, С. С. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    In this article the approaches to the estimation of the logistics efficiency of the electronic commerce enterprises are considered. The necessity to form an integrated, customer-oriented system of indicators for evaluating ...
  • Чорна, М. В.; Кушнір, Т. Б.; Волосов, А. М. (Чернігів : ЧНТУ, 2018)
    The system of formation of competitive advantages of a retail enterprise on the basis of the use of internal and external sources is considered in this article. The authors present a step-by-step sequence of forming ...